Friday, November 11, 2016

Last Email

 2 Years Later!  Elder Westbury,  Elder Gibbs (my MTC Companion) and I all came out to Germany together.  Here we are ready to finish together.

Hello Everyone!
This will be my last email from the mission field.  My time as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ is coming to an end.  I will be flying home on Friday, November 11th.  I am giving my homecoming talk on November 20th.  Sorry, I don't know the address of the church but it's the A Frame by Mueller Park Junior High.  I always thought to myself, well I still have time.  But it's crazy how fast time flies and before you know it, it's your last Pday!

First off, I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to fulfill my mission and serve Jesus Christ for 2 years.  To be honest, it hasn't always been easy or fun, but it was so worth it.  My mission has totally changed my life.  I would like to talk about probably the biggest things I have learned and experienced on my mission.

The first one is that I know God knows each and every one of us because we are his children and that he truly cares about each and every one.  On my mission I have seen how God works with all of his children, no matter what religion they are a part of.  He really wants what is best for us.  I will admit sometimes I did question why things happened the way they did.  But now I know it was because he saw things that I didn't at the time.  As I look back, I can see how he was with me and led me through the good and also the hard times.

On my mission, I have seen the power of the atonement in the lives of my investigators, but also personally in myself.  I am so thankful for Jesus Christ and him going through the atonement so that we don't have to.  Repentance is totally real.. Jesus loves us and he lives and wants to help us.  I am in no way perfect, and I have needed the  atonement just as much as my investigators.  I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.

No matter how many doors were slammed in our face, people yelling and cussing at us, others telling us Yankees, to leave and never come back, I still love Germany.  As some of you know, my Grandpa was born in Germany and many more of my ancestors are from here.  It truly has been a privilege to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the land of my forefathers. I love this country and these people have a special place in my heart and this is my home away from home.  Just like Paul, I can say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."

I know that this gospel is the only true church on the earth and that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet to restore the gospel and translate the Book of Mormon.  I know the Book of Mormon is true and the influence it can have in our lives when we read it.  I know that Jesus Christ lives and that he loves us so much.  He suffered for every single person on this earth so we can return to live with him and our families forever.  We really are children of God with the potential in us to be Gods.

I'm so thankful for the Gospel and that I had this opportunity to fulfill my mission.  Now it's time to move on to the next chapter of my life.  To those of you still serving, keep fighting for the truth and be valiant in your testimony of Jesus Christ.  And to the others, I will see you soon!

Elder Spangenberg

Family Hachmann.  We have Family Home Evening with them every week.

FAMILY SCHUMAIER.  He is the Branch President and they invite us over every week.  They are also the coolest grandparents ever!

FAMILY DAHLEKE.  He kept me up to date with sports scores and is also an amazing cook.

FAMILY RICHTER.  We did service for them every week.   They have so  many animals.

They are putting up the Christmas Markest now!

Dying Photo.  Cause every missionary going home has to have one!